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Rick "Frothy Mixture" Santorum is Officially Running for President

Image from source, Los Angeles Times
Assuming that his announcement that he was running for president would make him the fecal focal point of the media today, Rick Santorum was sadly disappointed. A seminal moment, it was not. The Weinergate story (more on that in a bit) sort of cock blocked him, I guess you could say. And now that he's shot his wad, I think he's spent. Unless he's got something very frothy on tap, it's going to take a lot to shoot past what ever story is leaving its mark on the daily rags.  Okay, I'm done.


Republican Rick Santorum launches presidential bid

After a brass-band instrumental fit for a summer blockbuster's battle scene, Rick Santorum launched his presidential bid from ancestral turf Monday, imploring an enthusiastic crowd of several hundred to join his fight for the White House. . .

Read more at: Los Angeles Times