The biggest joke in this reply is the allegation that President Obama created this crisis. He didn't. And Boehner's (for once euphemistic) tears for people seeking jobs is also darkly funny, since there has been no attention to jobs out of Boehner's House.
John Boner Boehner Responds to Obama's Speech
Ah, Boner Boehner. So charisma free. So talking-pointy. So fact challenged. At least he didn't seem soused, and his mouth twitch wasn't going bananas as it usually is. Boehner tries to come off as a tough guy, and isn't very convincing. He also acts as though he speaks for "the American people," when in reality he speaks for hardcore conservatives (ie., tea baggers). Boehner is still pushing "Cut, Cap and Balance," a hastily thrown-together plan that was all but abandoned last week. Boehner falsely called it "bipartisan." And he finished by using Karl Rove's odd "Obama's blank check" meme, from the Crossroads GPS attack ads.
The biggest joke in this reply is the allegation that President Obama created this crisis. He didn't. And Boehner's (for once euphemistic) tears for people seeking jobs is also darkly funny, since there has been no attention to jobs out of Boehner's House.
The biggest joke in this reply is the allegation that President Obama created this crisis. He didn't. And Boehner's (for once euphemistic) tears for people seeking jobs is also darkly funny, since there has been no attention to jobs out of Boehner's House.